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Hope In High Water’s new album ‘Bonfire & Pine’ is a story of healing. Following on from their 2017 debut ‘Never Settle’ which explored the death of loved ones, trauma and the breakdown of relationships, ‘Bonfire & Pine’ is the light at the end of the tunnel.


It tells of the joy and freedom found in the time between the two albums.


Making the decision to leave their full time jobs, moving to the country to live in a caravan and pursuing a freer and more fulfilling way of life, ‘Bonfire & Pine’ expresses the dream of finding a life of substance.


It describes the healing discovered in the great outdoors, in the pursuit of a more connected life and through truly experiencing freedom with all the ups and downs that that brings.


Like any progression this also encompasses darkness, explorations of childhood trauma and the pain of grieving but in this offering Hope In High Water are able to take the lessons from these experiences and use them to propel themselves forward.



Never Settle Online Artwork

‘Never Settle’, encapsulates the wanderlust and sense of movement that carries through the pair's music and their lives. Both spent much of their childhood travelling, Carly with her dad’s work that pulled her from place to place and country to country and Josh with his Blues musician parents who showed him the joys of a bustling bar on a Saturday night.


These experiences left a longing in the pair that would lead both to independently start bands and tour the UK and Europe throughout their early twenties.  


Surprisingly, considering that together they have gone on to be at the fore of the UK Americana/folk scene, both Josh and Carly started out in the punk scene, night after night churning out high energy performances and angry, politically charged music. This sometimes comes as a shock to those who have come to know the pair for their intense and authentic brand of folk.


However, it is from these roots that Hope In High Water developed a strong belief in the importance of honest and sincere song writing and a taste for the darker elements of the American folk tradition. 

Hope in High Water ~ Imelda Michalczyk c



Hope in High Water When Sorrow Calls EP
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Josh Chandler Morris Tired EP
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